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Sneak Peek: SHSMD 2024

In this week’s episode, we’re giving you a sneak peek of what to expect from Hedy & Hopp at SHSMD Connections 2024, happening October 13-15 in Denver, CO. We’re excited to be part of this event again this year and share how you can connect with us and attend our sessions!

What We Cover:

  • H&H at Booth 1015: Come find us! Grab one of our coveted friendship bracelets and grab a beautiful art print from our 2024 Artist in Residence, Katie Mertz. 
  • Pre-Conference Workshop: Jenny Bristow and Mark Brandes will be hosting a hands-on session titled OK, But How Do I USE AI – AI 101. This session is a must for anyone tasked with understanding AI or for marketing professionals looking to stay ahead. (Note: separate ticket required.)
  • HIPAA, FTC, and State Laws – What You Need to Know NOW – 2024 Edition!: Our highly anticipated privacy session, co-presented by Jenny Bristow and our client Jenny Bradley from Quartz Health Benefits, will cover critical updates on state laws, class action lawsuits, and compliance for marketers. This is an evolution of last year’s session, diving deeper into the challenges and opportunities in 2024.

Even if you can’t attend SHSMD, the H&H team will be gathering key takeaways from a variety of sessions we attend and sharing them in a post-conference podcast. Stay tuned for that episode!

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Jenny: [00:00:00] Friends. Hi, welcome to today’s episode of We Are, Marketing Happy, a healthcare marketing podcast. My name is Jenny Bristow. I am your host, and I’m also the CEO and founder at Hedy & Hopp, a full service, fully healthcare marketing agency. I’m super excited to join you today to give you a sneak peek at SHSMD 2024.

Hedy & Hopp is going to be showing up in full force at the event. It’s one of our favorite events of the year. And we’re going to be participating in a couple of different ways. So I wanted to give you a little sneak peek of some of the topics we’ll be talking about and ways that you can engage with us.

And first, I will say, if you are not attending SHSMD this year, just know that like last year, the Hedy & Hopp team will be attending as many sessions as possible and aggregating some of the key insights and findings and doing a summary podcast after the show. So if you’re not attending [00:01:00] you will be missing out.

I will say it is fabulous to see colleagues and other people in the profession in person, but we will be doing a recap podcast after the session. So you will be able to understand some of the key topics, trends, and then also we’ll identify who some of the key conversational influencers were as far as individuals at different providers across the country that really shared some impactful topics.

So be sure to tune into that episode. It will drop later in October. So for those of you that are attending SHSMD, it is October 13th to 15th in Denver, Colorado, one of my favorite cities. And there are a few different ways that you can engage with Hedy & Hopp. So first our booth, our booth is booth number 1015, but I will say, just look for the joy and you’ll find us.

We should be pretty easy to spot based off of our booth strategy this year. And we are going to be showing up with some really fun giveaways. [00:02:00] Two of the most in demand pieces that will be making a reappearance this year are going to be our marketing happy friendship bracelets. We gave out over 200 of those on the first day and part of the second day last year.

They were a really hot commodity, so we’re bringing hundreds this year so we won’t run out. And we also are bringing some art prints from our 2024 Artist in Residence, Katie Mertz. We’re going to have a couple of different art prints to select from. Some of you that attend every year have been building a collection of each of our year’s art prints.

But even if this is your first year swing by and pick up a free art print, we’d love to send you home with a little bit of joy. But let’s get on and talk more about the educational topics we’ll be discussing. So we’re going to be speaking twice at SHSMD this year. First, we have a pre conference workshop that I’m super jazzed about.

So I’ll be speaking alongside our Director of Analytics and Technology, Mark Brandes. And our topic is, OK, But How Do I USE AI – AI 101. [00:03:00] Or AI 101. This is a pre conference workshop, so it’s on Sunday from 12:30 to 3pm. You have to buy a ticket to attend this session. The pre conference workshops are an additional add on fee, but I assure you this is going to be very worth the funds for those that sign up.

This is actually an evolution of a session that SHSMD asked us to do a couple of months ago. They had a fabulous AI series that talked about how to begin integrating or understanding AI into your organization. And we were the last session and the series, and we wanted to help make it practical for folks.

Like, how can you walk out of our session and feel like you can comfortably start using AI and kind of know what in the world you’re doing. And so, We took that hour long session and turned this into a two and a half hour long session, and it is going to be very hands on. It’s broken up into a couple of different segments.[00:04:00] 

The first segment is going to be talking about all the different AI platforms that are online and highly used today. So we even had to update this from when we did it a couple of months ago because things are changing so fast, like ChatGPT Perplexity, Claude, what are all of the main platforms that are out there?

How do they work? Who built them? What are the differentiators? What are they good for compared to the other ones? So there’s a really great one on one session that kind of starts it. Then we talk a little bit about some AI use principles and some core values around using AI and how to integrate it into your marketing workflow.

So some key do’s and don’ts, some ways to be able to encourage others within your organization to use AI, but kind of make sure that you have reins around how it is used and deployed so that way you’ll feel really comfortable with it. And then the third and now most fun session. The one I’m most excited about or section of the session is we’re actually going to have folks pull up their phones and laptops, and we’re going to spend some time [00:05:00] using the different AI platforms.

So we have, I think, five different workshop exercises, and I promise this is so easy. You will not be intimidated. Even if you have never used ChatGPT before please come to this session with an open mind and know that we’re going to walk you through it in such a way that you’ll feel exposed to it in a way that you understand at least in the 10,000 foot view, what it is and how to use it. And if you are a bit of a person who is a little bit more comfortable with AI, and you began playing with it a little bit already on your own, you will also get things from this session because we’re going to be talking a little bit more about some advanced prompting.

And that you can do some tweaks to make to your prompts, then also helping you understand the different platforms and the benefits of some versus the other based off the kind of work that you’re doing. So again, that’s our pre conference workshop, super excited about it. And please, if you are tasked, either, if you are tasked with understanding AI and how to incorporate it [00:06:00] into your marketing team, or really, if you’re just a marketing professional, you don’t want to fall behind, this is an excellent session to attend, to be walked through in very layman’s terms with what AI is, why we think it’s can be applicable in certain marketing use cases, how not to use it.

So it really, you’ll walk out feeling much more confident in how to use it in a applicable way immediately after the session. So it should be pretty empowering. And then our actual concurrent session that we’re doing is a evolution of our 2023 very highly rated session on privacy. We received fabulous feedback. 

We had a, it was standing room only last year. There was lots of fear and concern right around SHSMD last year about the new OCR bulletin and what in the world that meant for marketers. Well, we’re doing a 2024 edition. But this is going to be much more evolved than the 2023 because we’re going to be talking about, of course, [00:07:00] HIPAA, FTC, and state laws, which a lot has happened in the state law space.

We’re also going to talk about how you can understand what you need to be adhering to from a compliance perspective. We’re also going to talk about class action lawsuits and what’s happening with that in the healthcare space across the country. And then my most exciting part about it is we have one of our clients, a pair called Quartz Health Benefits.

They’re out of Wisconsin. Jenny Bradley. I know Jenny B and Jenny B, but Jenny Bradley is going to be joining us and she’s going to be talking about how they were able to successfully make their marketing analytics technology stack. And all of their tactics fully compliant and then still successfully have open enrollment last year while their entire marketing campaign was fully trackable, they were able to measure ROI just like they did before with the old one.

And she’s going to be extremely transparent in the way their marketing tech stack was modified, what tools they chose, why, what else they looked at. We’re going to talk about [00:08:00] how we, as their agency partner. Worked with them from a compliance checklist perspective, making sure we’re all on the same page around who’s doing what how tactics needed to change.

So this is going to be a really educational session for those that still, I hope nobody’s still at the stage where you don’t know about compliance, right? It’s been so highly talked about in our space. So I don’t assume anybody is there, but if you’re still at that stage where you’re like, maybe you haven’t fully modified your tech stack where you feel comfortable that you’re fully compliant, or maybe you’re still having internal conversations around how to make sure measurement ROI tracking is still in a good place.

As you’re making that final conversion. This is a great session to attend. You will get an update on exactly what’s happening in the compliance landscape. What’s happening with the national privacy law and when that may hit and what that will mean for folks in health care. And it will just be a great way to go into you know, [00:09:00] the rest of your calendar year and then into 2025 really feeling like you have a handle again on compliance and are less likely to be surprised by something that may be coming up in your backyard or something from a national perspective.

So again, we are super excited about SHSMD. We’re making final preparations right now for all of the team members that are attending with Hedy & Hopp. Please come by and see us. We really cherish all the relationships that we make in person. I have a long list of folks I’m excited to give hugs to this year when I see them again in person.

So again, we are going to be at booth 1015, but look for the joy and you’ll find us and I hope we run out of friendship bracelets before the end of day three. So please swing by, grab some for yourself. And maybe for team members back home that weren’t able to come to the session and or to the conference and really look forward to either seeing you again or meeting you for the first time.

So thank you again for joining us on today’s [00:10:00] episode of We Are, Marketing Happy, a healthcare marketing podcast. Please subscribe and follow us on your preferred platform tool whatever app you use Spotify, Audible, whatever subscribe. So that way you’ll get our weekly podcasts as they are released.

And please send me a note if you have a topic, you’d like for us to cover at Thanks again for tuning in and we will see you on a future episode of We Are, Marketing Happy. Cheers.



About the Author

The Hedy & Hopp digital production team is the glue that keeps all activation work running. From auditing websites and tagging, to content strategy and CRM implementation, our digital production unicorns ensure the tiniest detail is reviewed and accurate before it gets to our clients. Their determination in finding solutions for any challenge makes this team marketing happy.

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